The kitchen was her favorite place for activities. She baked the most beautiful cakes, prepared the tastiest evening meals. Was creative with flavorful ingredients and tasted combinations.
Now she forgets to eat, doesn’t like it: “don’t taste it anyway.” She has to eat to stay alive, but she doesn’t enjoy it. Sometimes she smells things that aren’t there: “Something is burning,” and she walks around the house looking for the cause.
We used to eat out regularly. She enjoyed different tastes and all types of cuisines. Alas, sporadically, she enjoys something sharp (hot, peppery). When another whiff of taste passes by, her eyes shine: “I taste something again.” Great to see that.
Is it still fun to eat out? Only if her taste is right and the energy is present to deal with the sound stimuli and walking distance. Often after an hour, the pipe is empty, it goes “off.” I see that happen, and then we leave.
For me, oh, sometimes I stink; I should stay away from her, wash first because her nose is fooling her. (Sometimes she’s right!!!)
Written by Ben